Increase Mass And Strengthen Muscles
What is Trusculpt Flex?
Your abdominal, thigh, and buttocks areas are made of smaller groups of muscles that have unique, specialized functions. truSculpt flex utilizes multi-directional stimulation through electrical pulses to hit all these muscle groups and achieve deep muscle contractions.
truSculpt flex’s unique muscle stimulation results in a more intensified version of squats, crunches, and twists. The truSculpt flex treatment is equivalent to doing approximately 30,000 squats! With that kind of volume, truSculpt flex patients are seeing increases in muscle mass by an average of 30%.
Key Benefits
Comfortable Treatments
Average Of 30% Muscle Mass Increase
No Downtime
Improved Range Of Motion And Flexibility
Increased Endurance
Reduced Low Back Pain
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Healthy men and women can benefit from truSculpt flex treatments.
During your consultation, our provider will discuss with you if you are a candidate, based on your health and medical history.
Remarkable results can be achieved with as little as four treatments. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.
truSculpt flex is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, and patients are able to immediately return to normal activities after the treatment. Post-procedure, patients may notice tingling in the areas treated for up to a few hours and/or slight muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72 hours.
Results may be visible after the second session with maximum results visible 8-12 weeks after the last session.
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You’re always welcome to contact us for any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will reply to your enquiries as soon as possible.
Helping you in achieving your wellness goals.
We are committed to deliver optimal results with individualised solutions for every patient’s conditions, allowing each patient to achieve their desired lifestyle.